For the soaring devotee. A history of accomplishments, organizations, personalities in the field. Too specific and unspectacular for the idly curious. The only index is to personal names; no bibliography. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Casper, the young future prince of India, for a moment appeared to shine like a smooth, blue stone statue in the moonlight that channeled down the steps leading to the hold. ... They will mount up with wings like eagles.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone ...
Australian Books in Print
In the course of human history there were four great kingdoms in the area of the world in which God's people lived ... of Belshazzar king of Babylon” (7:1), he describes the Babylonian Empire as, “a lion [with] the wings of an eagle.
As I parked the car, I had an even greater surprise – the silhouette of a Bald Eagle, lifting its heavy body into the sky on broad wings. Bald Eagles once faced extinction in the eastern US, because of persecution and pesticides.
Ford came up with the role of Buttons, a factotum occupying an indispensable place in Earp's life much like Jeff Poindexter's with Judge Priest. Among other duties, Buttons was to have brought Earp his chair so the marshal could await ...
Finally, he chose a Republican to head the Defense Department, William Cohen, formerly the Senator from Maine, because Clinton needed bipartisan support. His appointment of Cohen was only partially successful because Cohen often ...
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RISING LIKE EAGLES Isaiah 40.28—31 The next morning the naturalist rose early and took the eagle outside the city, ... 'Eagle, thou art an eagle; thou dost belong to the sky and not to this earth; stretch forth thy wings and fly!
Author/Title Pub./Stock No. Yr. Price Author/Title PubVStock No. Yr. Price GROVE, FRED (cont.) No bugles, no glory. Sun dance. GROVE, WALT Down . Hell-bent for danger. The joy boys . The man who said no. The wings of eagles.