The Ancient Americas outlines the enormously long and complex cultural history of Mesoamerica, as well as the Andean continuum. It combines an overview of pre-Columbian historical events and situations with a consideration of important research problems and efforts and places their last flowering of indigenous complex civilizations within their respective geographic and sociocultural frameworks.
The heart of this volume is an exhaustive digest and analysis of available data on each epoch from English-, Spanish-, French-, and German-language sources. In addition, there is also a topically arranged bibliography of over a thousand entries.
The essays collected in this volume reflect scholarly rigor and new perspectives on ancient American art and are contributed by many of Pasztory’s former students and colleagues.
This edited volume analyzes ceramics specifically from ancient America to add new layers to our understanding by emphasizing new perspectives and a multidisciplinary approach from the fields of archaeology, art history, and anthropology.
OUDIJK 2000 Oudijk, Michel R. 2000. Historiography of the Bènizàa: The Postclassic and Early ... OUDIJK 2002 Oudijk, Michel R. 2002. “The Zapotec CityState. ... PARSONS 1993 Parsons, Lee A. 1993. “The Izapa Style and the Tibas Jade.
A profusion of plants flourishing throughout the United States and Canada that originated more than 20 centuries ago. Underwater ruins recently found off the coast of Oregon. Bronze Age oil wells in Pennsylvania. And much, much more.
This exciting collection explores the interplay of religion and politics in the precolumbian Americas.
The artworks featured in this volume exemplify the aesthetics and supreme craftsmanship of the peoples of the ancient Americas in pictorial pottery, sumptuous gold body adornments and luxury textiles.
Abbott, Edwin A., 3 Across before Columbus? 60 Aku-Aku, 334 alchemist, painting of, 375 Alexander VI, Pope, 346–47 Al-Idrisi's voyage, 326–27 Al-Masudi's voyage, 326 alphabet family tree, 30 al Tennyn, Jezirate, 327 Amazon Basin ...
These works range from highly abstracted, minimalist representations of temples and houses to elaborate complexes populated with figures, conveying a rich sense of ancient ritual and daily life.
This engrossing volume will fascinate readers as they discover the achievements of the ancient Americans. Thoroughly researched text highlights important social studies concepts, while vibrant images bring the text to life.
In this exciting new volume several leading researchers use settlement ecology, an emerging approach to the study of archaeological settlements, to examine the spatial arrangement of prehistoric settlement patterns across the Americas.