Collects legends of buried treasure in Texas, including the gold of Haystack Mountain, a missing Incan hoard, and the Deer Island shipwrecks
These stories grew from the land--the Texas soil that gives birth to history and sprinkles it with legend.
This book represents the largest collection of in-depth research on the legends and folktales concerning lost mines and buried treasure in the state of Texas.
The legends in this work, as well as those in volume II of this series, were regarded by Dobie as "the most influential in opening the eyes of people to the richness of their own traditions.
The twenty-two tales included in this book are spellbinding accounts of some of the most exciting and mysterious lost treasures to be found in North America, represent many millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, jewels, coin, and ...
One story was that a farmer, Hamlin, recovered the treasure and destroyed the flat stone with markings that indicated the location of this treasure cave as well as where seventy-five mule loads of bullion were said to have been hidden ...
They follow Spanish trails, buffalo trails, cow trails, they dig where there are no trails; but oftener than they dig or prospect they just sit and tell stories of lost mines, of buried bullion by the jack load . . .” This is the tale ...
On the morning of August 20 , 1864 , the twenty - two men , some riding and some walking , set out for the canyon of gold . Adams tried to note landmarks along the way but he had little sense of geography and direction and was unable to ...
The most compelling and exciting tales of lost and buried treasures associated with the Civil War have been collected, extensively researched and investigated, and are included in this entertaining book from one of America's foremost ...
But the question still remains: Has the Spider Rock treasure ever been found? Steve Wilson first began his research on the treasure in 1960. The story he unraveled is an incredible tale riddled with murder, mystery, and adventure.
Dig Here! is overflowing with lore, spellbinding backgrounds, driving Western drama - and exciting, reliable facts.