Do Indians living today know the location of the supposededly cursed Lost Gold of Devil's Sink? Did Sir Francis Drake bury millions of dollars'worth of ancient Incan treasures? Has anyone found the box of gold coins buried by a reputed giant in the Washington rain forest? Is there a noble family's fortune buried near an old log cabin in the Cascades?
This large, easy-to-use volume lists the works of more than eleven hundred different authors, covering thousands of stories of lost mines and buried treasures supposedly located in fifteen Western and...
Collects legends of buried treasure in Texas, including the gold of Haystack Mountain, a missing Incan hoard, and the Deer Island shipwrecks
Collects legends and lore of buried treasure in the southern Appalachian Mountain area, with maps showing locations
The 32 tales from the area containing the backbone of America include The Gold Behind the Waterfall (Arizona), The Treasure of Deadman Cave (Colorado), Lava Cave Cache (Idaho), Henry Plummer's Lost Gold (Montana), The Curse of the Lost ...
Discusses buried treasures located in New England, describing the types of treasures and attempts to retrieve them
Relates local legends from Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma about abandoned mines, hidden stashes of plunder, and lost fortunes
his headquarters, often shared with other sea—going cutthroats including Caesar LeGrande (known as Black Caesar) and Brewster Baker (known as Brubaker), as well as others. This loosely organized band of pirates referred to themselves as ...
Recounts tales of hidden treasures in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, and describes attempts to recover them.
Relates local legends of hidden fortunes and lost treasures left behind by outlaws, pioneers, and prospectors
coastal villages , he was nearly captured by American warships . Deciding he'd had enough of piracy , Quelch turned the boat over to his crew and returned to Star Island for good . Though Quelch was no longer interested in piracy ...