New York : Bantam , 1984 . Slaby , Andrew E. , M.D. Aftershock . New York : Villard , 1989 . Smedes , Lewis B. Forgive and Forget : Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve . San Francisco : Harper & Row , 1984 . Sontag , Susan .
Warm, honest, and full of sage advice, this is the book Leibson wishes she had had when the nightmare of cancer treatments drew to a close and the overwhelming reality of starting life over again began.
Overview coming soon.
The Strang Cancer Prevention Center Cookbook: A Complete Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan to Dramatically Lower Your Cancer Risk. Laura J. Pensiero, Michael P. Osborne, and Susan Oliveria. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Providing views from both healthcare professionals and patients, "100 Questions & Answers about Life After Cancer" offers authoritative, practical answers and is an invaluable resource.
At the end of our conversation, Dr. Taffel told me about a client—we'll call her Karen—who had come to Pathways the year before with an aggressive form of colon cancer that had metastasized to her liver, prompting her oncologist to give ...
He was soon lost.' Surviving Cancer is a stimulating and inspiring book of personal stories of survival -- Professor Emeritus Gabriel Kune, MD, FRCS,
John J. Fitzpatrick , S.J. During repeated hospitalizations over a period of 22 months , I grew as a thinker . I had time to observe . Time is a curious commodity . When we are told we might not have much of it , it seems to be all that ...
This book addresses in lively detail these issues, illustrating each with stories of survivors and current studies about survivorship.
A diagnosis of cancer, life-changing for both patients and their loved ones, presents many questions: How will the disease and treatments affect you?