Written by the man considered the "Person of the Century" by Time magazine, this is not a glimpse into Einstein's personal life, but an extension and elaboration into his thinking on science. Two of the great theories of the physical world were created in the early 20th century: the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Einstein created the theory of relativity and was also one of the founders of quantum theory. Here, Einstein describes the failure of classical mechanics and the rise of the electromagnetic field, the theory of relativity, and of the quanta.
Written in German by Einstein himself, the book is faced, page-by-page, with a translation by the noted Professor of Philosophy Paul Arthur Schilpp.
This work contains the keystone of his critical philosophy - the basis of human knowledge and truth.
37 Reading Mencken made Wright want to become a writer against the society that he felt had rejected him. Dorothy Parker sang a curmudgeonly, esteem-razing solo, too, observing, “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just.
從台灣出發的反省 湯志傑(Chih-Chieh Tang), 吳鴻昌(Hung-Chang Wu), 林峰燦(Feng-Tsan Lin), 蔡博方(Po-Fang Tsai), ... Hamilton, Gary G., and Cheng-shu Kao, 2010, “Taiwan's Industrialization: The Rise of a Demand-responsive Economy.
Aimed at a general audience, this volume offers a stimulating summary of Rorty's central philosophical beliefs, as well as some challenging insights into contemporary culture, justice, education, and love.
Franz Overbeck war einer der großen religionskritischen Denker des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Einfluss auf Nietzsche, Barth, Löwith, Benjamin, Taubes und viele andere ist unbestritten.
Ein Leben in Briefen.
Franz Overbeck war einer der großen Denker des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Einfluss auf Nietzsche, Barth, Löwith, Benjamin, Taubes und viele andere ist unbestritten.
Justice Or Tyranny?: A Critique of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice
This anthology presents selections from American philosophy, 1720 to the present, and a critical narrative of important philosophers working during the same time period. The selected works...