Motives: "why Do I Do the Things I Do?"

Motives: "why Do I Do the Things I Do?"
Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company
Edward T. Welch


People are complex. There is behavior that we see and motives that we don't. Behind the ?what we do? of our lives is the ?why we do it.' Edward T. Welch challenges us to peer more closely into the ?why.' He insightfully reveals that, according to God's Word, the heart is the source of all human motivation. Our hearts contain motives such as Pleasure, Meaning, Comfort, Success, Freedom, Respect, Happiness, Power, Control, Peace, Reputation, Love/Intimacy Welch encourages us to ask questions to discover some of our deeper motives: ?What do you hope for, want, crave? ?What do you fear? What do you worry about? ?When do you say, ?If only

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