... to stop playing into the hands of dictators by calling liberation theology “ communist inspired . ” Influenced by " the politics of greed , ” as Alfred Kazin calls it , of the Reagan / Bush administrations , 134 / To Construct Peace.
Thus Far on My Journey
In nearly three decades, she walked more than 25,000 miles, carrying her possessions in her blue tunic and spreading her belief about peace: overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.
The Iraq War will be the defining issue of the 2008 U.S. election. Will there be giant marches on Washington? Of course. And will college students cut class to attend peace rallies?
Gandhi was 56 when the book appeared and he lived what he preached for another 23 years, through triumph and tragedy. As every reader will discover, his autobiography is not the usual conventional narrative.
... Krieg beenden. Nach dem Peloponnesischen Krieg lassen sich auch im philo- sophischen Denken erste pazifistische ... Frieden zum Ausdruck: Krieg ist kein Selbstzweck, sondern nur ein Mittel zu dem übergeordneten Zweck des Friedens ...
Profiles six men and women who have embraced peaceful solutions to violent conflicts. Includes a timeline and glossary.
Dreamers, leaders, fighters for our rights... meet 40 amazing activists for peace who fought hard to build a better world in this collection from the 40 Inspiring Icons series.