Our adversarial legal system is used to evade the truth and makes winning the paramount goal. Here, a law veteran proposes we shift to an inquisitorial system seeking the truth, and recommends changes to evidentiary rules that confuse law enforcement and juries alike.
Includes such presentations as: Introduction to Adversary System; Other Views of Adversary System; The Trial Judge: The Limits of Neutrality and Passivity; Place of the Jury in Adversarial Adjudication; and...
(Home Office 2003: 14) This closely resembles the highly suspect 'broken windows' logic in James Q. Wilson and George Kelling's celebrated Atlantic Monthly article (Wilson and Kelling 1982).9 The hypothesis is that antisocial behaviour ...
This is the first volume that directly compares the practices of adversarial and inquisitorial systems of law from a psychological perspective.
Coumarelos, C, Macourt, D, People, J, McDonald, H, Wei, Z, Iriana, R and Ramsey, S, 2012, Legal Australia-Wide Survey: Legal Need in Australia, Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, Sydney. Council of Australian Law Deans, ...
Informed by the voices of 26 high-level criminal justice professionals, legal stakeholders and victim support workers, and a quantitative dataset, this book considers whether legal representation can address some of the problems of the ...
Robert Kagan examines the origins and consequences of the American system of "adversarial legalism".
11 M Zander ( 1995 ) ' Why Lord Woolf's Proposed Reforms of Civil Litigation Should be Rejected ' in AAS Zuckerman and R Cranston ( eds ) Reform of Civil Procedure : Essays on Access to Justice , Clarendon Press , p 81 .
This book analyses the professional services special advocates offer across a range of different types of closed proceedings.
parties respectively were in the habit of protracting the closing of the proofs, to endeavor to fish up testimony to contradict the depositions of the witnesses who had been examined against them. By the course of proceeding, ...
Sussex, Unpublished D. Phil Thesis. KEETON, G.W. (1965). ... State Structure and Law in the Third Reich (1935), in SCHEUERMAN, W.E. (ed) The Rule of Law Under Siege. Selected Essays of Franz L. Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer.