Preserved beneath the surface of the Agora are thousands of terracotta pipes, stone drainage channels, and lead pressure lines. These form a complex chain of waterworks, constructed and repaired over many different periods. This book discusses the complex engineering that channeled fresh water into the Agora and disposed of waste water, and shows some of the ornate wells and fountain houses where ancient Athenians gathered to drink and bathe.
This volume is the first presentation of large scale waterworks in the Greek provinces of the Roman Empire.
Ancient Athenian Building Methods ( 1984 ) 22. Birds of the Athenian Agora ( 1985 ) 23. Life , Death and Litigation in the Athenian Agora ( 1994 ) These booklets are obtainable from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens c ...
Like fragments of overheard conversations, the thousands of informal inscriptions scratched and painted on potsherds, tiles, and other objects give us a unique insight into the everyday life of the Athenian Agora.
Judith Perlzweig, American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Most of the lamps illustrated in this booklet have been published in the following volumes of The Athenian Agora , Results of Excavations conducted by the American School ...
Camp II and William B. Dinsmoor Jr. , Ancient Athenian Building Methods ( 1984 ) 22. Robert D. Lamberton and Susan I. Rotroff , Birds of the Athenian Agora ( 1985 ) 23. Mabel Lang , Life , Death , and Litigation in the Athenian Agora ...
XX A. Frantz, The Church of the Holy Apostles (1971). XXI M. Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti (1976). XXII S. I. Rotroff, Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls (1982). XXIII M. B. Moore and M. Z. P. Philippides, ...
... Ancient Athens (1963). 9. J. Perlzweig, Lamps from the Athenian Agora (1963). 10. B. D. Meritt, Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (1966). 11. M. Lang, Waterworks in the Athenian Agora (1968). 12. D. B. Thompson, An Ancient Shopping ...
Fred S. Kleiner, American School of Classical Studies at Athens. EXCAVATIONS OF THE ATHENIAN AGORA PICTURE BOOKS 1. Pots and Pans of Classical Athens ( 1951 ) 2. The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens ( 1959 ) 3. Miniature Sculpture from the ...
This full-color guide sheds new light on the marble industry in and around the Agora, including rich evidence for sculptors' workshops, their tools, and techniques. The text discusses the works of both famous and anonymous artists.
The book is structured according to the social roles women played; as owners of property, companions (in and outside of marriage), participants in ritual, craftspeople, producers, and consumers.