When the Roman tourist Pausanias visited Corinth around A.D. 160, he saw many shrines and buildings high up to the south of the city, on the slopes of Acrocorinth. This booklet describes excavations at one of these, the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone (Kore). The details of religious rites revealed are of particular interest since the cult of the two goddesses, also celebrated at Eleusis, is one of the most mysterious in antiquity, and no literary testimony exists to explain what may have happened behind the high walls. Terracotta dolls, ritual meals of pork, and miniature models of food-filled platters hint at a vigorous religious tradition associated with human and agricultural fertility.
corInth. results. of. excavatIons. conducted. by. the. amerIcan. school. of. classIcal. studIes ... Late Classical Pottery from Ancient Corinth: Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest (2012) vIII.1 benjamin dean meritt, Greek Inscriptions, ...
Perform this ancient Greek myth about Persephone and her mother.
But rhetoric is concerned more narrowly and specifically with the interactive and communicative process of utterance between the rhetor and audience in the rhetorical situation . Therefore , rhetorical hermeneutic seeks to address the ...
The Hymn to Demeter as translated by Helene Foley is included as an appendix in order to provide a basis for the discussion in the text. Notes and a bibliography also follow the text.
Drawing on evidence from ancient literary sources, extensive archaeological excavations and historical records, Amelia Brown here surveys this period of urban transformation, from the old Agora and temples to new churches and fortifications ...
With extensive notes at the end of each chapter, this book will have you understanding the intricacies and genius of such a work and why the mythology of Demeter and Persephone is still important to us today.* The Homeric Hymn To Demeter in ...
P. Zanker , Wandel der Hermesgestalt in der attischen Vasenmalerei ( Bonn , 1965 ) , pl . 4 . J. D. Beazley , Attic Red - figure Vase Painters , 2d ed . ( Oxford , 1963 ) , 1 : 630 , no . 24 . P. E. Arias , “ Storia della ceramica di ...
This unprecedented commentary applies an exegetical method informed by both sociological insight and rhetorical analysis to the study of 1 and 2 Corinthians.
“ An ' lonian - Sea ' Style in Archaic Doric Architecture , ” AJA 94 , pp . 45–72 . Bassitas I = F. A. Cooper , The Architecture ( Temple of Apollo Bassitas I ) , Princeton 1996 . Bassitas II = B. C. Madigan , The Sculpture ( Temple of ...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION: CONTEXT, COMPARISON Steven J. Friesen Context and comparison are fundamental for the studies in this volume. In one sense Corinth is the context for our work, for each chapter focuses on an aspect of life in ...