يؤرّخ هذا الكتاب للحركة البهائية ويدرس البدايات الأولى لتاريخها ونشأتها في إيران ويبيّن الأسباب والظروف التي أحاطت بتلك النشأة.
The Golden Rule: A Universal Ethic
On Wings of Destiny
The Promise of All Ages
All Things Made New: A Comprehensive Outline of the Bahá'í Faith
"Anyone looking at the condition of the world today will be struck by the dramatic changes taking place. On the one hand is the visible deterioration in so many fundamental...
Growing out of the teachings of the Báb, who introduced the idea of the coming of a great prophet (the one promised in the scriptures of all the world's major...
Often described as the bible of the Sufis, the Mathnawi is a 13th-century mystical poem by Jalalu'l-Din Rumi, the Persian poet and mystic. Professor Nicholson presents translations of the most...