UFOs and aliens, unexplained mysteries, religious cults, diffusion, creationism. We are all familiar with beliefs about human life that lie outside traditional scientific boundaries. Notions such as these are considered reasonable by vast numbers of us in the Western world, in our modern "technological" and "educated" cultures.
Understanding why this should be so and how we as a society might deal with these widespread pseudoscientific beliefs are the subjects at the heart of this study. The authors--specialists in anthropology, archaeology, sociology, psychology, and history--explore creationism, which claims that there is evidence to support a literal interpretation of the origins of the world and of humanity as narrated in the Book of Genesis, and cult archaeology, which encompasses a wide range of fantastic beliefs about our past.
Cult Archaeology and Creationism contains several essays on the history of pseudoscientific beliefs and their current manifestations as well as the results of a unique research project in which students at five campuses across the country were asked about their beliefs and about such background factors as their school experience and religious faith. This expanded edition also includes two new essays, one on Afrocentrism and another that views cult archaeology and creationism in the 1990s and beyond.
Also see Richard Wilson's Human Rights, Culture, and Context (1997). Wilson describes how rights-based discourses are used in different contexts as a way of articulating the tension between global and local formulations of human rights ...
... social as well as economic significance , and the distinctions drawn by Karl Polanyi and his collaborators between reciprocity , redistribution and market exchange ( Polanyi , Arensberg and Pearson 1957 ) have been widely followed .
《列仙传》是中国最早且较有系统的叙述古代汉族神仙事迹的著作,记载了从赤松子(神农时雨师)至玄俗(西汉成帝时仙人)七十一位仙家的姓名、身世和事迹,时代跨度较大。传记体 ...
在東西方神祇與英雄的故事裡, 找回你的內在與神話的連結, 成為一顆跳舞的星星,與宇宙共舞。 導讀:耿一偉(台北藝術大學戲劇系兼任助理教授) 王理書 ...
This is the fifth book in the revolutionary Convoluted Universe series that begun in 2001.
Possibly the best authoritative work on the world's mysteries. From fire walking to the prophesies of Nostradamus, this new book pares the fiction from many popular theories, and urges us...
This is the history of the development through the ages of Plato's Atlantis story - the imperialist island state that disappeared in a cataclysm, leaving Athens to survive it...Instead of...
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches! This book is a comprehensive guide to witchcraft, Wicca and magic. It is just as useful for a beginner...
Cross Umberto Eco, Aldous Huxley, and Carlos Castaneda and you get the voice of Daniel Pinchbeck. And yet nothing quite prepares you for the lucidity, rationality, and informed audacity of...