" ... Prepared by 22 authors and editors from a dozen different countries ... a comprehensive and unique reference source on the world of cartoons. It is the indispensable companion volume to Maurice Horn's "The world encyclopedia of comics" ... Covered here, both broadly and in depth, is the whole field of cartooning arts -- animation, syndicated panels, humor, editorial, sports, caricature. All aspects of cartooning are examined and evaluated -- historic, aesthetic, social, cultural and commercial ... There are more than 1200 alphabetical and cross-referenced entries on cartoons and cartoonists with special emphasis on styles, themes, cultural contributions and influences on other artists. On the cartoons themselves, in their various forms, the entries include brief histories, summaries of theme and plot, evaluations of the work and its particular historical perspective as well as its adaptation to other media ..."--Inside front cover.
The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons
The collection also includes a foreword by New Yorker editor David Remnick. This is stunning gift for the millions of New Yorker readersand anyone looking for some humor in the evolution of social commentary.
The most sumptuous, fabulous, and hilarious collection of cartoons in the history of the world, this humongous hoard of devilish drawings captures the comic karma of an extraordinary epoch--many epochs, actually, from the Roaring Twenties ...
Showcases the work of hundreds of artists who have contributed to the magazine throughout its eighty-year history, in a richly illustrated volume containing 2,500 black-and-white cartoons by Peter Arno, Charles Addams, Jack Ziegler, Roz ...
... Henry Holmes Smith, Ton Smits, Karen Sneider, David Snell, Otto Soglow, Aaron Sopher, Edward Sorel, Leo Soretsky, M. Van Sort, Art Spiegelman, Mark Alan Stamaty, J. Stanley, Leslie Starke, Kemp Starrett, Edward Steed, William Steig, ...
A sophisicated smirk riot filled with jabs at the overly serious world of politics.
... 202-203 Cleverdon , Scott 361 , 778 Click Productions 884 Clifford Ross Company 102 , 103 Clifford the Big Red Dog 41 , 203-204 Clifford's Puppy Days see Clifford the Big Red Dog Cline , Chad 147 Clinton , George S. 623 Clitherne ...
This book shows that humour was one of the key weapons of war, with countries using cartoons to demoralise their opponents and maintain morale.
Featuring the work of thirty-six masters of the cartoon, including Roz Chast, Sam Gross, Nick Downes, Liza Donnelly, Bob Mankoff, Michael Maslin, and Mick Stevens, over half the cartoons in this book appear in print for the first time.
The riotous world of the classroom, captured by the cartoonists at The New Yorker The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons, Second Edition is a hilarious compilation of cartoons that capture the joy, terror, excitement, anxiety, fun, and ...