Completely redesigned, this attractive guide provides the actual dealer cost with the dealer list price for every van, pickup truck, and sport utility sold. Includes dealer cost for accessories and option packages in this fast-growing segment of the new vehicle market.
Trucks and Vans
Samfunnsøkonomiske vurderinger av godsbilstørrelser i bysentrum
Modulvogntog i Norge: status for prøveordningen pr. 1. Oktober 2009
British Lorries Since 1900
A four-book collection about Tonka trucks that don't stop before their jobs are done!
Road Transport: The Read Story
The Truck, Van and 4X4 Book, 1991: 1991 Edition
Each year, nearly one-third of new vehicle buyers select a light truck, minivan, or 4X4. Now the bestselling author of The Car Book and The Used Car Book offers up-to-date expert advice on buying a truck, van or 4X4.
Marmaduke and His Friends
What does the inside of a truck driver's cab look like? Which truck holds the world speed record? Discover the world of super trucks: their history, their design and use today and their future.