Selected from a US Army Research Office Workshop, this collection of papers describes applications in electrorheological fluids, sensor/actuator films, self-adaptive structures, and shape-memory materials. Smart materials, a new class of materials of strategic and economic importance, are viewed as providing new opportunities in polymer materials, ceramics, electronic materials, metals, and composite materials. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the embryonic field of smart materials and structures, and also presents a state-of-the-art review of the sub-disciplines of the field.
This book describes several novel applications currently under investigation that exploit the unique actuator and sensor capabilities of smart material compounds.
Smart Material Structures addresses modeling parameter estimation and control in smart material systems.
... Smart Materials , Structures , and Mathematical Issues . West- port , CT : Technomic , 1985 . 9. Agarwal , B. D. , and L. J. Broutman . Analysis and ... Materials Handbook . New Introduction to Composite Materials 15 1.7 References.
This book is concerned with electrostructural systems, particularly the interaction between the control of the structural and electrical (electronic) components.
[12] Gere, J. M., and Timoshenko, S. P., 1991, Mechanics of Materials, Chapman & Hall, London. [13] Allen, D., and Haisler, W., 1985, Introduction to Aerospace Structural Analysis, Wiley, New York. [14] Pilkey, W. D., and Wunderlich, ...
In this monograph, mathematical and computational investigations pertinent to scientific and engineering issues in the emerging field of smart materials are presented. A brief survey of basic mechanisms and questions...
Soft structural parametric identification strategies for structural health monitoring ( SHM ) with neural networks by the direct use of forced vibration displacement , velocity or free vibration acceleration measurements without any ...
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, Five Volume Set covers materials that have one or more property that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, temperature, moisture or pH.
Smart materials are of significant interest and this is the first textbook to provide a comprehensive graduate level view of topics that relate to this field.