Recommends a redefined social contract that takes into account realities of the job market and the transitory sense of the assistance.
Alternative Work Schedules
Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Work Place is essential for anyone responsible for the management of legal risk in the work place.
The report also reviews measures of employment, earnings, and worker well-being in temporary and alternative work arrangements that can be estimated using household survey data, such as those generated by the CWS, as well as measures that ...
cooperative behaviour;the institutional sphereandits dynamics (cooperativedemocracy); andthe organizationalfield(work models tendingtowards horizontality andtheengaged, proactive participation ofallmembers ofthecooperative).
The report also reviews measures of employment, earnings, and worker well-being in temporary and alternative work arrangements that can be estimated using household survey data, such as those generated by the CWS, as well as measures that ...
Monograph on alternative rearrangement of working time schedules - outlines a model linking career and life-cycle stages to employees attitudes about work and leisure, and covers flexible hours of work,...
Work Sharing: An Alternative to Layoffs
Clara Miller, President of the F. B. Heron Foundation: The Alternative, is not only important reading, it's imperative.
This second edition takes a detailed look at how the best companies use nine different options, including flexitime, flexiplace, compressed work week, job sharing, and phased or partial retirement.