Social experimentation is the most powerful method available to isolate the impacts of social programs. It involves the random assignment of the test groups to otherwise identical "treatment" and "control" sample groups, so that any differences that emerge at the end of the experiment can be interpreted as results of the program. It is the only social science measurement tool that resembles the methods used by the natural sciences. This volume is the most comprehensive reference work to date on all known evaluations that have used or are using social experimentation to measure the impact of a social program. The authors inventory 145 completed and 75 ongoing social experiments, giving the cost, time period, treatments tested, outcomes of interest, sample sizes and target populations, design issues, and methodological limitations.
Bolton , MA : Anker . Lewis , R. G. , & Smith , D. H. ( 1994 ) . Total quality in higher education . Delray Beach , FL : St. Lucie Press . Lohman , D. F. ( 1989 ) . Human intelligence : An introduction to advances in theory and research ...
The fact that higher welfare benefits result in more young single mothers ' setting up their own households ( Ellwood and Bane 1985 ) implies that these Census estimates are somewhat downwardly biased . Nonetheless , the results using ...
Herrenkohl, Todd I., J. David Hawkins, Ick-Jung Chung, Karl G. Hill and Sarah Battin-Pearson. 2001. “School and Community Risk Factors and Interventions.” In Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention and Service Needs, ...
emotional and social development Colette McAuley. f CHILDREN IN LONG-TERM FOSTER CARE In memory of my mother.
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
Director, Dept. of Hospitals' Bureau of Investigation, to Epstein [first name not listed], Mayor LaGuardia's office, 15 January 1940, Folder: Mayor's Office: Epstein, ... S.S. Goldwater to Charles G. Hill, 29 March 1939.
London : G. Allen , 1949 . Robson , WILLIAM A. , Social Security , 3rd ed . London : G. Allen , 1949 . RODGERS , BRIAN , Towards a Welfare State . New York : Humanities Press , 1969 . Rowntree , B. Seebohm , and G. R. LAVERS , English ...
B> This is the leading book in social welfare policy in departments of social work, political science, administration and government.
I. Colby , Ira C. ( Ira Christopher ) HV95.5619 1989 88–17612 361.6'1'0973 — dc19 CIP Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DO 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 Preface The case narrative was simple and direct : An.
War on Poverty , 5 , 187–188 Wehman , P. , 123 Welch , Finis , 41 , 158 Welfare mothers , 29 , 30 Welfare - to - work programs , 33 West Virginia , welfare levels , 21 Wilms , Wellford W. , 145-146 Wisconsin , Learnfare , 30 Wiseman ...