Quietly and peacefully, she went to her eternal sleep. We buried her over the hillside, there among the locusts and lilacs. It was such that.. . we could notcome or sendfor you, orwe would have doneso. DAVID. Where is mother?
In clear, crystalline prose, this novel reveals the ability of the human spirit to conquer the random cruelties of life, and how the power of love and hope, once known, can never truly be extinguished. “Hobbs’ prose is spare, clean, and ...
When you partake of the communion (the flesh and the blood of Jesus), eternal life swallows up human life, which is susceptible to demonic ... God had provided for Adam the tree of life in the Garden of Eden that will make them to live ...
... singing that endless melody of his, a melody that haunts and stays with you — a melody of eternal sadness. ... They go up with scissors, with garden shears, with knives and razor blades and quickly they cut the slender thread that ...
The book is a simplified and structured way of understanding the reason for the complex journey of life on earth as God sees it, and the presentation of the path that leads to meaning and redemption.
This indicates that every major location of the garden had a kitchen and chefs at His Majesty's service. ... chicken with fried Chinese cabbage, swallows' nests with red and white duck meat, swallows' nests with shredded chicken meat, ...
Despite a distinguished resume that includes a Pulitzer Prize and appointments as consultant to the Library of Congress, Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, and New Hampshire Poet Laureate,...
Paperbound Books in Print
wombs and swallowed the seeds of eternal life as Eve and I had done. “After I gave Eve further instruction, she quickly ran to the orchard of the fig trees and called out to you to join her there. Eve desired to explain everything about ...