Inerrancy is a collection of essays by fourteen leading evangelical scholars on a wide range of topics related to the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible. Footnotes and index are included.
A Four-century Study James Leo Garrett ... resisting theological liberalism , and Patterson , a graduate of Hardin - Simmons University and a Th.D. candidate at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary , 408 had a similar commitment .
Here's quick access to more than 490,000 titles published from 1970 to 1984 arranged in Dewey sequence with sections for Adult and Juvenile Fiction. Author and Title indexes are included,...
A Philosophy of the Christian Religion . Grand Rapids : Wm . B. Eerdmans , 1952 . ... Lewis , Gordon R. Judge for Yourself : A Workbook on Contemporary Challenges to Christian Faith . Downers Grove , Ill .: InterVarsity Press , 1974 .
Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series: A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures,...
Paperbound Books in Print
Books in Print
A specially priced, beautifully designed hardcover edition of The Joy of the Gospel with a foreword by Robert Barron and an afterword by James Martin, SJ. “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus… In ...
American Book Publishing Record Cumulative, 1950-1977: Title index
... Vulture in the Sun , Gollancz , 1971 ; The Hunting Down of Peter Manuel : Glasgow Multiple Murderer , Macmillan , 1973 . ... Fragment of Fear was adapted for film and released by Columbia Pictures , 1970 , under the same title .