New Thought is a diverse movement whose practitioners have only one thing in common: a belief in the power of the mind to bring health, wealth, and fulfillment. In this comprehensive history of New Thought, John Haller traces its roots from the earliest influences to the mind-cure speculations of the late nineteenth century, and shows how its initial emphasis on healing disease morphed into a vision of the mind's ability to bring us whatever we desire. Authors like Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, and, more recently, Rhonda Byrne are eagerly read and embraced by millions of people who remain unaware that these writers are merely repeating ideas introduced decades before. The History of New Thought demonstrates the broad and lasting impact that this movement has had on American culture.
In this book, Glenn R. Mosley chronicles the history of the movement, including biographical sketches and the philosophies of pioneers and influential leaders linked to the movement's development and growth.
Excerpted in Women, the Family, and Freedom: The Debate in Documents I, 1750–1880, edited by Susan Groag Bell and Karen M. Offen, pp. 375–84. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983:. Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backwards: 2000–1887.
This book introduces New Thought, a more-than-a-century-old movement dedicated to the healing of body, pocketbook and interpersonal relationships through persistent positive thinking and the acceptance of one's indwelling divinity.
This book describes how the origins of the New Thought movement, the uniquely American spiritual philosophy that developed at the turn of the 20th century, can be found in the oldest philosophical systems of humanity, and how it is closely ...
This is particularly true of the history of ideas. This book is an ideal introduction to the thinkers who have shaped Christian history and the culture of much of the world.
This obscurity is seen in Kali Herman , Women in Particular : An Index to American Women , 540. Hopkins is mistakenly called a " Spiritualist teacher " of the New Thought movement . Hopkins was never a Spiritualist ...
Beyond Christianity draws on rich ethnographic work in a Religious Science church in Oakland, California, to illuminate the ways a group of African Americans has adapted a religion typically thought of as white to fit their needs and ...
This is the biography of that belief. No one has yet written a serious and broad-ranging treatment and history of the positive-thinking movement. Until now.
For anyone at the doorsteps of New Thought seeking a personal, loving, joyful, spiritual life that resonates truth without judgment, the answers to many of their initial questions are within The New Thought Christian, a brief over-view of ...
Christian Science Origins and Experience in American Culture Amy B. Voorhees ... A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion. New ... New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America.