Shows parents how they can help their children learn--and have a blast--while traveling, offering practical information for parents who want to have more fun with their kids, build closer family ties, and enjoy richer educational experiences--all without spending a fortune.Original.
Here's what you'll get with this FOUR book package: Travel the World and Facilitate Interesting conversations : A Step by step guide to teaching English overseas The English language has become a medium for international communication in ...
It's hard to visit Santa Fe , N.M. , without seeing Georgia O'Keeffe's bright , vibrant images of nature . Likewise , Andrew Wyeth and his portraits of American life in parts of the Northeast . As you explore the world of art , point ...
Discusses ideas for making money while at home, sources for inexpensive curriculum, suggestions for low-cost field trips, and ways to acquire free or inexpensive computers.
Travel and Learn: The New Guide to Educational Travel
The perfect guide to experiencing the world's melting pot on a shoestring--and a fan belt--provides eight different itineraries to choose from.
How to Travel the World on $50 a Day reveals Nomadic Matt’s tips, tricks, and secrets to comfortable budget travel based on his experience traveling the world without giving up the sushi meals and comfortable beds he enjoys.
If you want to learn hundreds of innovative ways to save thousands on your college costs, then this book is for you.
A Discount Overseas Adventure Trip: Gap Year, Backpacking, Volunteer-Vacation & Overlander Mathew Backholer ... See How to Plan, Prepare and Successfully Complete Your ShortTerm Mission by Mathew Backholer, page 186.
When You Learn the Easy Ways to Save Money During Your Trip, You Won't Feel so Guilty Taking Another One. Let This Guide, Guide You to Having a Stress Free Trip.
—Arnold Bennett Teens and Emotions Anyone who lives or works with teenagers appreciates their emotional highs and lows. ... Not only do we need to forgive some teenage behavior and encourage appropriate social skills, but we also can ...