The book concludes with a powerful six-part poem by John Leax titled "Thirst," and an evocative story by Paul Brand titled "A Handful of Mud: A Personal History of My Love for the Soil."--Back cover.
The first of six volumes in the Truth and the ChristianImagination series, this book will help students and laypeople understand the relevance of traditional theologicalterminology, the continued viability of a broadly Christianapproach, ...
This Twentieth Anniversary edition features a new concluding chapter, coauthored with Michael Goheen, that helpfully places the discussion of worldview in a broader narrative and missional context.
Bringing together contributions from church leaders, academic theologians, and scientists on the doctrine of creation, this volume engages with Scripture, scientific theory, church history, and current issues to help Christians understand ...
Moreland, J.P., and Scott B. Rae. Body and Soul: Human Nature and the Crisis of ... Niebuhr, H. Richard. Christ and Culture. New York: Harper & Row, ... Rae, Murray A. History and Hermeneutics. New York: T&T Clark, 2005. Rudolph, Kurt.
In What is Creation Science?, two of the most respected members of that group have given us the benefit of their knowledge. The book itself, though technical in places, is remarkably clear, and its focus is on a fair dialogue of the issues.
United States Catholic Bishops (1977), Statement of US Catholic Bishops on American Indians, Washington, DC: United States ... John Hart Towards the Theological Rediscovery of North America In a remarkable meditation on the cultural and ...
4 Thomas nagel, an atheistic philosopher, agrees with Midgley. The naturalistic belief that everything is reducible to energized particles, he writes, is “an assumption governing the scientific project rather than a well-confirmed ...
I am not obsessed with death, but occasionally the stark chill of its inevitability will linger and haunt. That was true when, one summer vacation, Ilay contentedly reading on a porch lounge and came across the statement that sometimes, ...
This book is deeply biblical, highly practical, and richly theological. Highly recommended!