W. Hoffman to Brig. Gen. A. Schoepf, August 4, 1863, and Col. W. Hoffman to Maj. Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, August 7, 1863, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Washington, ...
James Keith to Juliet ( Chilton ) Keith , November 16 , 1864 , Keith Family Papers , VHS ; Wiley J. Smith to Nannie Smith , January 23 , 1865 , Wiley J. Smith Letters , Drawer 171 , Box 7 ( microfilm ) , Georgia State Archives , Atlanta ...
Paul D. Escott, After Secession: Jefferson Davis and the Failure of Confederate Nationalism, (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1978). ; Harry P. Owens and James J. Cooke, eds., The Old South in the Crucible of War, ...
In a work of unprecedented scope, Thomas D. Schoonover combines exhaustive multicountry archival research with a sophisticated theoretical framework grounded in world systems theory to elucidate the relations between the United States and ...
surrendered to Union forces in Virginia, western Confederate soldiers and civilians reacted with emotions that ... Fort Fisher in North Carolina and in the process closed the final blockade-running port in the eastern Confederacy.
For a good survey of recent writings on "Church State Issues in the Period of the Civil War," see the essay by William F. Deverell in Church and State in America: A Bibliographical Guide: The Civil War to the Present Day, ed.
Charles C. Bolton and Scott P. Culclasure, eds., Confessions of Edward Isham, 71–84; Petition on behalf of [illegible first name] Hammonds, Clarke County, Petition on behalf of Thomas Adams, Lauderdale County, Petition on behalf of ...
Covering topics from battlefield operations to the impact of race and gender, this volume is an informative guide through the labyrinth of Civil War literature.
Important works include Davis, The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture; Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution; Donald, ''The Proslavery Argument Reconsidered''; Ericson, The Debate Over Slavery; Fox-Genovese and ...
Essays tracing the roots and development of total industrialized warfare in the United States and Germany.