Many studies of African-American gospel music spotlight history and style. This one, however, is focused mainly on grassroots makers and singers. Most of those included here are not stars. A few have received national recognition, but most are known only in their own home areas. Yet their collective stories presented in this book indicate that black gospel music is one of the most prevalent forms of contemporary American song.Its author Alan Young is a New Zealander who came to the South seeking authentic blues music. Instead, he found gospel to be the most pervasive, fundamental music in the contemporary African-American South. Blues, he concludes, has largely lost touch with its roots, while gospel continues to express authentic resources.Conducting interviews with singers and others in the gospel world of Tennessee and Mississippi, Young ascertains that gospel is firmly rooted in community life. Woke Me Up This Morning includes his candid, widely varied conversations with a capella groups, with radio personalities, with preachers, and with soloists whose performances reveal the diversity of gospel styles. Major figures interviewed include the Spirit of Memphis Quartet and the Reverend Willie Morganfield, author and singer of the million-selling What Is This? who turned his back on fame in order to pastor a church in the heart of the Mississippi Delta.All speak freely in oral-history style here, telling how they became involved in gospel music and religion, how it enriches their lives, how it is connected to secular music (especially blues), and how the spiritual and the practical are united in their performances. Their accounts reveal the essential grassroots force andspirit of gospel music and demonstrate that if blues springs from America's soul, then gospel arises from its heart.
Contact : Sojourner Truth Collection Oxon Hill Branch Library 6200 Oxon Hill Road Oxon Hill , MD 20021 ( 301 ) 839-2400 MASSACHUSETTS 362. Boston University - Mugar Memorial Library . Fitzgerald Collections .
其中,如果要列举精品的话,沈俭安演唱的《打三不孝》薛筱卿演唱的《陈翠娥托三桩》,以及两个人对唱的《方卿见娘》这三套唱片,无论是演唱中的气韵感受还是乐器伴奏的互为烘托,都可算作代表。苏州弹词的流派唱腔丰富多彩,这里的“唱”其实是“说”的延续, ...
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