While teaching at Fuller School of World Mission, Tippett inspired and challenged the founding generation of "great commission" or "church growth" missiologists. This collection brings together almost 40 of his best writings. In a style that is both academic and personal, he deals first with missiological theory then with anthropological and historical dimensions of missiology. He then treats a number of specific missiological problems from these perspectives including seminal material on power encounters.
Students will benefit from the chapters on understanding the call to missions and the current status of world evangelization. All readers will profit from a valuable one-volume reference work on missions.
The writers offer readers a historical as well as current-day tour of international missions. In the end, the editors make a plea for continued support of missions and what readers can do to support this important cause.
This volume will be appreciated both as an introductory textbook in missiology and as a series of essays to inform, stimulate, and challenge missionaries and mission administrators and planners. This...
This text raises some of the key issues to designing research in a multicultural or cross-cultural context and guides researchers toward ethical and effective study.
I highly recommend it!" --Christine D. Pohl, professor of Christian ethics, emeritus, Asbury Theological Seminary "In this book Gregg Okesson provides a bold signal that a new movement in mission thinking is underway.
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Carey, in his famous 1792 Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens, did not seek from the Bible any specific instructions for how to accomplish his proposed venture.
77 Laqueur, Walter, 43 Larkin, William, Jr., 144, 145, 149 las Casas, Bartolomé de, 245 Last Days of Europe, The (Laqueur), 43 Late Great Planet Earth, The (Lindsey), 463 Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 36n. 51, 257 Lausanne Covenant (1974), ...
Two namesstandout in connection with this stream: Rick Warren andChristian Schwarz. In1980 Rick Warren founded the Saddleback Community Church in southern California, which now reports aweekly attendanceof more than sixteen thousand.
The Reasons for Romans. edinburgh: Clark. weidenmann, Ludwig. 1965. Mission und Eschatologie. ... in Douglas 1975, 213–58. winter, Ralph D., and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. 1999. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. 3rd ed.