A major church shift is happening all around the world. God is once again bringing back the power and simplicity of New Testament style Christianity. The Lord is raising up the global house church movement. Do you want to reach your friends and your nation with an approach to church life and church planting that is biblical and effective? If so, read this book.
The Turning Tide
In this book the authors explore some dynamic trends in society and church that are pushing believers into simpler ways of doing church. -- from back cover.
New Testament Church Dynamics is perfect for you!Unlike many church growth books, we present proven, Biblical strategies to grow your church both spiritually and numerically.These are not theories cooked up in an ivory tower.
Many may see this book as radical, many may see it as a reforming of old ideals but all who read it will be challenged and their priorities refocused in a life-changing way.
A New Testament Church in the 21st Century: The House Church