Frontier photographer L. A. Huffman (1854 - 1931) captured the spirit of the American West like no other artist. As comfortable photographing the haunting images of the plains Indians as he was the working cowboy, Huffman accurately recorded a passing way of life on the American western frontier. Arriving in Fort Keogh, Montana Territory, in 1879, ten years before Montana would become a state, Huffman realized the importance of recording the end of the open range, untamed western landscapes, the plains Indian, and the last of the buffalo herds. While many painters and photographers created art that romantized the West, Huffman photographed everyday life, ranging from ranching and hunting scenes to landscapes of Yellowstone National Park. This handsome volume contains over 500 spectacular images of the American West. Includes index.
L. A. Huffman: Photographer of the American West contains more than 300 spectacular images of the American West, most of them from the extensive collection of Gene and Beverly Allen, as well as reproductions of many of Huffman s printed ...
Featuring several sets of printed postcards and his real photo postcards, this book will be a welcome addition to any L.A. Huffman or postcard collector's library.
L.A. Huffman: Photographer of the American West
The Collotypes of L.A. Huffman: Montana Frontier Photographer
Special features and important topics covered in this book include: * Classical theories of optical properties based on idealized models * Measurements for three representative materials: magnesium oxide, aluminum, and water * An extensive ...
In the Credits, Ondaatje also attributes to the frontier photographer L. A. Huffman the words about taking photographs in 1870–1880, adding that some ofthe photographs in The Collected Work are his. I shall discuss the photographs later ...