Keeping this book on hand is like having Phil in your pocket for those moments when you need to ask yourself the right question or plan your next step.
This indispensable book helps therapeutic neophytes organize their approach to the initial phase of treatment and navigate even rough clinical waters with competence and assurance.
Keeping this book on hand is like having Phil in your pocket for those moments when you need to ask yourself the right question or plan your next step.
This book is a perfect first step. Here you’ll find clear, honest, reassuring information about all the most common mental illnesses and what you can do to find help and to practice self-care.
Surviving Inspections: After the Use Permit Is Issued Anticipate regular inspections for health or environmental regulations. Get to know these inspectors. A positive relationship makes ... Agritourism and nature tourism in California.
This engaging book not only offers step-by-step guidance on planning, writing, and defending a dissertation but also helps create a beginning-to-end process that is meaningful, rewarding, and exciting.
Written by the same celebrated author who brought readers the best-selling book How Clients Buy, How to Win Client Business When You Don't Know Where to Start is perfect for any professional services provider or consultant who seeks to ...
Where to Start? is a depiction of where I am in my life. This book illustrates a story of life, truth, pain, love, struggle, vulnerability, history, faith, and culture.
This new edition covers: •Getting started on creating a long-term care plan •Finding help, especially if you live far away •Managing the financial aspects •Talking to elders about sensitive subjects •Senior housing–move or stay ...
Reveals methods for creating a compelling story from beginning to end, discussing solutions for potential problems at each stage of the creative process