Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences 1989
Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences, 1993
Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences 1991
Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences, 1992
Graduate students depend on this series and ask for it by name.
An overview of graduate and professional programmes in the biological and agricultural sciences in the USA intended for students, academic advisers, graduate administrators, researchers and librarians.
Graduate students served 1995–1996 : 12 at the master's level ; 8 at the doctoral level ; 6 at the postgraduate level . Faculty affiliations : Colleges of Agricultural Sciences , Earth and Mineral Sciences , Engineering , Science .
Lists over 3,700 graduate programs in 37 disciplines in the biological sciences
Profiling 6,000 graduate programs, this superb resource supplies all the key data students need to select one of the best courses of advanced study in the life sciences.
Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences 1989