Note: Purchase of Environmental Science provides the user with a 180-day online subscription. Environmental Science offers online, inquiry-based learning using RAMASĀ® software (published by Applied Biomathematics). The textbook and lab exercises grew out of an initial collaborative effort by a number of people, both at Applied Biomathematics and Stony Brook University, with subsequent additions and substantial revisions by Karen V. Root. This introductory-level online environmental science textbook with labs focuses on specific environmental issues and the scientific approaches used to address them, employing an inquiry-based, hands-on approach. Students learn to: *appreciate the importance of uncertainty and risk in the practice and interpretation of science *explore the science, economics, and policies of prevailing issues in the environment, and *discover how human activities drive rapid evolutionary changes which require science-based management strategies. Intended for introductory college courses on environmental science and related topics, the book employs a modular design and each chapter is accompanied by a lab that includes up to three interactive computer exercises with discussion questions for students to explore. Web links point to relevant data sets and reference additional material to increase the depth of coverage of specific topics and serve as a starting point for class research papers. RAMAS is a registered trademark of Applied BiomathematicsĀ® RESOURCES For the Instructor Instructor's Resource Library The Environmental Science Instructor's Resource Library includes a variety of resources to help you in the planning of your course, the presentation of your lectures, and the assessment of your students. The IRL includes the following elements: Figures and Tables: All of the eBook's figures and tables (including all photos) are provided as both JPEGs (high- and low-resolution) and PowerPoint slides, for easy integration into class materials. Test Bank: The Test Bank includes a full range of questions for each chapter, including both multiple choice and short answer questions. Each question includes a reference to a specific eBook section, a Bloom's taxonomy category, and a full answer. Provided as Microsoft Word files. Computerized Test Bank: In addition to the Microsoft Word version of the Test Bank, all questions are available in Wimba Diploma test-creation software (software included). Diploma makes it easy to create quizzes and exams using any combination of publisher-provided questions and your own questions. Instructor's Manual for Labs: Provides instructors with detailed coverage of each online lab module. For each lab, the Instructor's Manual includes a set of objectives and thorough explanations and answers for each exercise and question.