Other chapters treat Israeli policies in the West Bank and Gaza, the impact of Israeli politics on the peace issue, and the Palestinians' response to the occupation.
... 分隔西元一九五一一九六七年阿布杜拉耶路撒冷戰爭倉促者阿布杜拉英國人離開本古里安我們成功了 51 猶太人獨立阿拉伯人的災難西元一九四八一九五一年聖地的禮炮阿布德卡迪爾侯賽尼阿布德卡迪爾侯賽尼耶路撒冷陣線蒙哥馬利的鎮壓法蘭少校案梅納赫姆貝京 ...
自从1970年约旦将巴解组织逐出约旦后,巴解组织总部便迁到了贝鲁特,三年以来,这座城市已经被巴解经营成了一个要塞,修建了大大小小的军工厂、训练营、弹药库和工事,随处可见身着绿军装、肩挎 AK-47的巴解战士。“少年之春”行动只是一次由少数特种部队进行的 ...
... 1913–14°, Middle Eastern Studies, April 1965. J.Marlowe, Rebellion in Palestine, London, 1946. M.Medzini, Esser Shanim Shel Mediniut Eretz Misraelit, Jerusalem, 1928. M.Orenstein, A Plea for Arab-Jewish Unity, London, 1946.
... threatens military intervention against Israel, 346; succeeded by Morrison, 459 Bezalal Art Academy, 586 Bialik, Chaim Nachman, ... Bomar Law, Andrew, 129 Borochov, Ber 11, 70–1, 75,76 Boscovitch, Alexander, 589 Boskiliah, Albert, ...
Whose Land? A History of the Peoples of Palestine
The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict traces not only the tangled and bitter history of the Arab-Jewish struggle from the early twentieth century to the present, including the death...
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 1 The Cost of Israel to the Arabs -- Nurturing a fledgling Israel -- Israel's...
On the eve of its fifth decade, the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories can no longer be considered a temporary aberration. In the shadow of the Oslo process, the...