Management development monograph on personnel management and wage determination in the USA - discusses job evaluation, job description and performance recording, wage structure, wage incentives, fringe benefits, performance appraisal, motivation, etc. Diagrams, glossary, graphs, references and statistical tables.
In all countries , commonly known competitive industries exhibited below - average earnings and employment increases . Levinson studied wage changes in six industries in the U.S. and found ( 1 ) a great deal of individuality in each of ...
489 ) . Forex Neptune ( Overseas ) Ltd. v . Miller ( 1987 ) I.C.R. 170 . Equal Pay Making it Work , E.O.C. 1989 . 88 interlocutory procedure . A study reported in the E.O.C. document Equal value claims 165.
Runaway America: U.S. Jobs and Factories on the Move
Nonprofit Executive Compensation: Planning, Performance, and Pay
This document focuses on parents' perceptions of the availability of family-supportive workplace arrangements; their experiences in balancing paid work and family commitments; and their preferences for changes in the workplace...
Guiding readers through all aspects of 457 plan administration -- from installation through the audit process -- the 457 ANSWER BOOK describes: The duties and responsibilities of those performing the...
The ultimate salary negotiation book for anyone applying for a job or seeking a raise or promotion. Dispels numerous myths, outlines key salary mistakes, and reviews major compensation trends in...
The Pension Answer Book is a comprehensive single-volume reference that is noted for its accuracy and reliability. It uses straightforword language that provides answers to all pension plan queries and...
Repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act: Hearing of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth...