The principal , along with a committee from the Parents ' Association , X's teacher , X's classmates , and Ms. and Mr. Jones , waited in the hall outside . Nobody knew the details of the tests X was to be given , but everybody knew ...
In “ The Incredible Shrinking Man , ' Scott Carey has a good job , a suburban home , a pleasure boat , a pretty wife . And yet , after he passes through a ... The ordinary man is no fool : he knows he can't be Arnold Schwarzenegger .
Its expressions are the many mixtures of manners , styles and values assigned by custom -- or law - to only one or the ... The heads that bob up seem only tenuously connected : Mick Jagger , Patti Smith , Twyla Tharp , Lauren Hutton ...
Personal Growth and Effective Behavior: The Challenge of Everyday Life
A compilation of articles from magazines, newspaper and journals, by psychologists, educators, researchers and writers that provide a perspective on important topics of the day in the study of personal growth and behaviour.
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This Twenty-Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: PERSONAL GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press.
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Personal Growth and Behavior 1995/96
Psychology of Adjustment: Personal Growth in a Changing World
It needs to be something that sticks. In this guide to making lasting behavioral changes, you'll discover how to find a new way of living.