"Rethinking Early Childhood Education" is alive with the conviction that teaching young children involves values and vision. This anthology collects inspiring stories about social justice teaching with young children. Included...
With the strongest coverage given to the most current trends and issues in the field of early childhood education, the sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded, including new chapters on the Creative Curriculum and assessment, ...
This book describes both how structural inequities deeply embedded in US society have a negative impact on children's development and learning and how educators who have a strong understanding of how children's development and learning ...
Derman-Sparks, L., Ramsey, P. G., & Edwards, J. O. (2011). What if all the kids are White? Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families. New York: Teachers College Press. DeVore, S., Miolo, G., & Hader, J. (2011).
This research text presents a description of the history of early childhood education in the United States.
Approaches learning activities for young children through the developmental tasks of early childhood with a focus on understanding and helping children as individuals. This introduction...
EDUCATION / Preschool & Kindergarten
This time she describes the growth and evolution of the work in the St. Louis Reggio Collaborative over the past 10 years.
Sources: Jordan et al., 2007; Jordan, Glutting, & Ramineni, 2008. IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATORS Because the push for children learning to read is so strong, there is concern that less time and energy will be devoted to mathematics and ...
This new edition of Cathy Nutbrown′s much loved book explains the key ideas and issues in Early Childhood clearly and concisely, keeping students up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.