Topics include: Occult Science & Occult Development?Christ at the Time of the Mystery of Golgotha and Christ in the twentieth Century?The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha I? The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha II?The Way to Christ Through the Centuries?The Christ Impulse in Time and its Influence on Human Beings: The Three Spiritual Preparatory Steps to the Mystery of Golgotha?The Christ Spirit in relation to the Evolution of Consciousness?Progress in Knowledge of the Christ: The Fifth Gospel?The Four sacrifices of Christ.?The Three Preparatory Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha.
He was forced to see in all clarity that the Fifth Gospel was not being appropriately received." (Andrei Bely) In this dramatic book, Selg tells the story of those lectures.
That is why the Mystery of Golgotha is in the middle of earthly evolution. From the beginning of earthly evolution until the Mystery of Golgotha more and more is lost as a corrupting influence increasingly takes hold of the soul, ...
In this major collection, Rudolf Steiner affirms the reality of esoteric Christianity and unveils many of its secret teachings.
Eventually, he would write his Autobiography: Chapters in the Course of My Life, although its completion would be interrupted by his unexpected death. This book is an essential complement to Steiner's unfinished Autobiography.
In a lecture eight weeks before the outbreak of World War I, Rudolf Steiner, conscious of developments to come, coined the phrase "culture of selflessness" to describe the culture that would develop in the future.
This is an essential lecture for a deeper understanding of Rudolf Steiner's Christology and what he terms the "turning point in time"--Christ's incarnation and the Mystery of Golgotha.
This volume is essential if one is to truly understand Rudolf Steiner's understanding of esoteric Christianity and its place in the world today and in the future.
The work of Rudolf Steiner is unique in the way it combines esoteric teaching with practical suggestions for the development of social life.
Steiner endeavors here to bring about an understanding and inner experience of the most decisive event in the history of humanity, the Mystery of Golgotha. He shows how all the...
Among the myriad other themes that emerge here are: the introduction of the āIā (or self) in human development and its essential connection to Christ; the preparation of the Christ impulse through the Jahveh religion and the law of ...