Worship can be a powerful way to encounter the living God. Our stories intersect with God's story as the gifts of God are celebrated and shared by the people of God. Episcopal priest Furman L. Buchanan explores and reflects on each element of Holy Eucharist, the service most often held on Sunday mornings. Moving from the first spoken word of the service--blessed--to the last phrase--Thanks be to God--Buchanan explains the theological and scriptural elements of the service, helping newcomers and longtime members alike gain a deeper understanding of this gift of God. Buchanan also shares his own stories, connecting pivotal life experiences with the words and actions of Holy Eucharist. Thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter invite readers to reflect on their own stories and how they connect with God's story of love and life.
His 1980 O Come, Let Us Worship sought to re-introduce evangelicalism to its history and liturgy.
On Reforming Worship is a current set of reflections on biblical worship from a group of scholars, professors, and pastors, who regularly present their work at the Reformation Worship Conference.
En la Presencia de Dios: Una Teologia Biblica de la Adoracion
Roy Phillips offered a reflection on sermons in which he described them as sacramental . Phillips described sacraments as liturgical elements and rites that are metaphorical . They point beyond themselves to something that the sermon ...
Focus the Word: Year of Mark (B) : Ideas & Resources for a Living Liturgy for Every Sunday of the...
Roberts. W. hat is worship? If you were to ask that question of the average Westerner fifty years ago, it's likely that you would have heard about going to church on Sunday morning, sitting uprightly in sanctuary pews, singing hymns ...
Accompanying this book is a CD-ROM containing its e-book version for displaying on IWBs and assessment activity worksheets. "
Bill Taber was a most centered and experienced Friend and this is his most valuable advice on Business meetings passed on to future generations of clerks and those who gather for Meeting for business.--Publisher's description
A Parish Workbook for Worship in the Country Church Leslie J. Francis, Jeremy Martineau. First published in 1996 1 | Gracewing Fowler Wright Books 2 Southern Ave Leominster Herefordshire HR6 OQF in association with Acora Publishing ...
We need a biblical reason for doing what we do when we worship God. In A Taste of Heaven, Dr. R.C. Sproul searches the Scriptures, finding timeless principles from the worship practices of the Old Testament to guide worship today.