Psychiatry and religion both draw on the rich traditions of human thought and practice. The ways in which humans attempt to understand and interact with their world and give meaning to their lives have occupied philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists for centuries. Psychiatry is unique among the medical sciences in that, as it attempts to explain the full range of human behavior, it often ranges well beyond the realm of natural science and into that of philosophy.
To deal with contemporary ethical issues, psychiatrists must be able to draw on a broad intellectual tradition not only in the biological sciences, but also in the humanities and social sciences, which encompass the comparative study of religion. Psychiatry and Religion addresses both the polarities and the unifying concepts between psychiatry and religion, with a unique focus on the point at which these two domains meet.
Divided into three parts, this scholarly yet eminently readable volume considers both theoretical and clinical issues and includes topics rarely discussed elsewhere in the literature: - Part I: Theoretical Principles and Historical Trends -- Covers both historical and current cross-cultural perspectives of psychiatry and the major religions, including a close look at cults
- Part II: Treatment Issues at the Interface of Psychiatry and Religion -- Discusses the influence of religious movements on psychiatric therapies, the moral and spiritual issues in the wake of traumatic experiences, and the separate yet complementary roles of mental health practitioners and clergy in restoring patients to health
- Part III: Looking Toward the Future -- Considers bioethics, religious and spiritual issues in psychiatric education and training, and religion and future psychiatric nosology and treatment
Written by clinicians and educators, this fascinating book fills a significant gap in the literature by providing a much-needed sociological and cross-cultural perspective of theory and practice at the interface of where psychiatry and religion. As more and more psychiatry training programs and medical schools begin to include courses on religion and spirituality, psychiatric educators and practitioners alike will find this book to be a valuable resource.
Part of PsycBOOKS collection.
Translated by Middeleeuwen de H. Garden City , NY , Doubleday , 1954 Jackson S : Acedia : the sin and its relationship ... New York , Basic Books , 1964 Kramer H , Sprenger J : Malleus Maleficarum ( 1486 ) ( English translation : London ...
Schwartz , R. L. ( 1968 ) . Effects of aggression and of evaluative instructions upon test performance of achievers and underachievers . Dissertation Abstracts , 29 ( 1 - B ) , 380-381 . Schwartzbein , D. ( 1988 ) .
Clinical Psychopharmacology 7 : 109–120 , 1984 Levenson JL : Neuroleptic malignant syndrome . Am J Psychiatry 142 : 1137–1145 , 1985 Levinson DF , Simpson GM : Neuroleptic induced extrapyramidal symptoms with fever ...
为什么她刚才还对我柔情似水,顷刻间又要将我撕成碎片?为什么他原本称赞我才华横溢,转眼又骂我卑鄙可耻?为什么她害怕孤单,不能忍受冷落?为什么他说所有的不幸都是因为 ...
王女士说:“其实说实话,刚开始幼儿园老师说我家孩子是个捣乱分子时,我心里挺不能接受的。孩子是我从小一手带大的,他是不大喜欢和别的小朋友一块玩,但是,也绝对不会去打人踢人啊。不过,老师一而再再而三地找到我们,还说其他小朋友的家长因为我儿子的事找了 ...
J Nucl Med 27 : 902 , 1986 Hoffman EJ , Phelps ME : Positron emission tomography : principles and quantitation , in Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography : Principles and Applications for the Brain and Heart .
The development of conditions of worth Conditions of worth develop in the person when he selectively responds to his self - experiences as more or less worthy of positive regard . If a child always experienced unconditional positive ...
Fidler , W. , Michell , L. , Raab , G. and Charlton , A. ( 1992 ) . Smoking : a special need ? British Journal of Addiction , 87 , 1583–1591 . Finney , J.W. and Monahan , S.C. ( 1996 ) . The cost - effectiveness of treatment for ...
This state-of-the-art volume also includes the latest research on the major childhood disorders and discusses the three most popular treatment approaches.