Derby Downs persuades the other young bunnies to ignore the advice of the elder rabbits and start building houses above ground, even though the wisdom and experience of the oldsters suggests it is safer to remain in the burrows underground.
Hardesty winning over Harmon Heat 59 Lane 1 Mason Colbert, North Platte, NE Lane 3 Dean Bailey, Memphis, TN This heat would have a profound effect on the rest of the day. The Memphis racer crept out to a small lead of one foot but then ...
This book is chockablock with facts, figures, and statistics on all 132 years of this incredible race.
The story, which is illustrated with more than one hundred historical photographs, then covers the move to Akron in1935, where 50,000 spectators witness the race held on a hill in the Akron suburb of Tallmadge.
In 1858, a committee met at Louisville's Galt House hotel for the purpose of raising $50,000 to purchase land owned by George E.H. Gray. The result would be the Woodlawn Race Course, a new facility situated on 150 acres near the ...
Joe E. Brown quipped that he would win the Oil Can race. “If I don't win it was fixed” he commented. Ohio born Roy Rogers said he felt right at home. “I have seven kids of my own” he said, referring to the throng of youngsters around ...
Kentucky Derby Stories
Louis Wolfson had founded the 478-acre Harbor View Farm just outside ofOcala in 1958, when the Florida breeding industry was still in its infancy. Just two years later, Harbor View's Francis S. captured the Wood Memorial Stakes and ...
When it turned out she had bucked her shins, her trainer, William MacKinnon, took her out of training and pointed her toward 1985. One morning in early November, another trainer, Ron Felix, stopped by MacKinnon's ...
Native Dancer, affectionately known to his supporters as the Grey Ghost, was owned by the handsome and wealthy ... by popular underdogs, Dark Star's upset of Native Dancer came in the 1950s, not the 1930s, and it was not popular.
The book is written by Frank G. Menke, a renowned sports writer and historian. The book covers the history of the Kentucky Derby from its inception in 1875 to the present day.