This wide-ranging anthology takes a close look at the breadth of human sexuality from a Jewish perspective. The essays begin with a look at biblical and rabbinic views on sexuality, and then proceed to explorations of sexuality at different moments in the life cycle, sexuality and the marital model, diverse expressions of sexuality, examples of sexuality education, the nexus of sexuality and theology, and the challenges of contemporary sexual ethics. The Sacred Encounter is a thought-provoking and important Jewish resource. Perfect for personal study, or for high school or adult classes.
The essays begin with a look at biblical and rabbinic views on sexuality, and then proceed to explorations of sexuality at different moments in the life cycle, sexuality and the marital model, diverse expressions of sexuality, examples of ...
Along the way, she sat on all sorts of benches and talked with all sorts of people about how they thought of God. This book is that story.
" -- Emmanuel Akyeampong Sandra E. Greene reconstructs a vivid and convincing portrait of the human and physical environment of the 19th-century Anlo-Ewe people of Ghana and brings history and memory into contemporary context.
Winnicott, D. W (1975). Transitional objects and transitional phenomena. In Through Paediatrics to ... Wright, L. M., Watson, W. L., & Bell, J. M. (1996). Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness. New York: Basic Books.
In this book, feminist Christian scholars of theology and religion use the tools of their trade to examine powerful personal life experiences and to search for new and empowering ways of understanding the power of the sacred as they have ...
"Sacred Encounters with Jesus" is a discerning account of how Jesus heals and transforms people today just as He ministered to His disciples.
Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium
"Greene gives the reader a vivid sense of the Anlo encounter with western thought and Christian beliefs . . . and the resulting erasures, transferences, adaptations, and alterations in their perceptions of place, space, and the body." ...
In the mythic context, the dream is usually epitomized by a central symbolic image, laden with intense feelings, that leaves a powerful imprint in memory, at times as an unforgettable dream encounter (Hartmann, 2011, 23–29; Miller 2008) ...
Quoted in Phil Kilroy, “Sophie Barat's Integration of Inner Life and Spiritual Leadership of the Society,” accessed December 27, 2019, http:// 3. Quoted in Larkin, Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, 14. 4.