The book book features 17 success stories. These cases describe some large-scale efforts to improve health in developing countries that have succeeded - saving millions of lives and preserving the livelihoods and social fabric of entire communities. [Ed.] Résumé en anglais :
Microbiol . 55 : 1519-22 78. Pinner RW , Teutsch SM , Simonsen L , Klug LA , Graber JM , et al . 1996. Trends in infectious diseases mortality in the United States . JAMA 275 ( 3 ) : 189-93 79. Plummer JD , Edzwald JK , Kelley MB .
Teenage Pregnancy: An Update on Key Characteristics of Effective Intervention
... from the nature of the case , to obtain much direct proof , the following curious and valuable evidence of Mr. Thomas Brownlow before the Poor Law Commissioners , in their first inquiry into the state of the labouring population .
This book examines the nature and evolution of those hookworm campaigns in British Guiana, Costa Rica, Trinidad, and Guatemala, as well as relevant evidence from Nicaragua and Panama.
Written jointly by experts in law and in public health, this book is designed specifically for public health practitioners, lawyers, healthcare providers, and law and public health educators and students.
Unemployment in Canada: Healthy Profits, Sick People
Annual Review of Public Health
The TRB National Cooperative 500Highway Research Program's pre-publication draft of NCHRP Research Report 932: A Research Roadmap for Transportation and Public Health builds upon this body of work to provide a plan for funding research over ...
Razum, O./Geiger, I./Zeeb, H./Ronellenfitsch, U. (2004): Gesundheitsversorgung von Migranten. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 101 (43): pp. 2882-2889. Riege, M./Schubert, H.(eds.) (2002): Sozialraumanalyse. Grundlagen – Methoden – Praxis.
This report builds on the Nuffield Trust's interest in the implications of globalisation for health in the UK and partnership with the Centre of Global Change and Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.