St Irenaeus is the most important theologian of the second century, laying the foundation for all future Christian thinkers. Irenaeus tells us that he had known Polycarp, who had himself known the apostles and been appointed by them as the bishop of the church of Smyrna. This direct contact with the immediate successors of the apostles was of importance for Irenaeus in his later defense of Christian practice and teaching. In this work Against the Heresies, he was the first to utilize the full range of apostolic writings in his controversy with the Gnostics and others. Uniting, for the first time, the whole history of God's activity in one all-encompassing divine economy, Irenaeus demonstrates that there is but one God, who has made Himself known through His one Son, Jesus Christ, by the one Holy Spirit, to the one human race, bringing His creatures made from mud into the intimacy of communion with Himself.
Due to a modern day discovery of an ancient, lost manuscript, now we know. The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching is a faithful trasmission of what the intellectual Christian was taught in the second century.
Written in the form of a letter, the Proof is a manual of theology designed to serve as a guide to salvation and a way to refute heretics.
To understand the significant terms used in New Testament teaching about Christ's death--for example, redemption, covenant, propitiation, justification--Morris sets these words against the background of the Greek Old Testament, the papyri, ...
The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments: Three Lectures with an Appendix on Eschatology and History
Presenting the full translation of the Demonstration of Irenaeus by Dean Armitage Robinson, this book offers a detailed theological commentary by Canon Iain MacKenzie on this foundational doctrinal text.
The theology of Irenaeus, and the Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching in particular, is pivotal in showing the way in which the fathers of the church interpreted scripture and distilled...
... which is the word of God' (Eph. 6:13–17).5 As O'Brien and Plummer both argue, the nature of the living word of God and the gospel message itself are such that they naturally propel and perpetuate evangelistic outreach by believers.6 ...
We Preach: The Priority and Practice of Apostolic Preaching
What Irenaeus undertakes in the Demonstration Of The Apostolic Preaching is to set out the main points of the Apostolic message, which has been handed down in the Church by the successions of the bishops and is the same in substance in all ...
This collection of fifteen sermons by one of the leading pentecostal theologians today provides insight into the form, style, and content of preaching in the pentecostal tradition while also being suggestive of normative homiletical theory ...