God's Arsenal for the End Time Warriors

God's Arsenal for the End Time Warriors
Thorncrown Publishing
G. Thomas Agnew, Tommy Agnew


This book has been created for the believer who is hungry for the taste of real freedom from their past life. Obtaining freedom by being completely and totally released from the bondages of my past life has been a real test of my faith and trust in JesusÂ' love for me.After thirty-nine years of smoking marijuana, getting high on drugs, and living life my way, and with twenty-eight years of this time in the Word, freedom has finally come my way. I have seen JesusÂ' loving grace and mercy raise four people from the dead.At the age of twenty-nine in Houston, Texas I was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. I have been addicted to everything that I thought would bring fun and more life. I have been hooked on heroin, PCP, LSD, and all types of barbiturates although the strongest drug of all, as far as I am concerned, is alcohol. I was addicted to crack cocaine for nineteen years and used cocaine for more thanthirty-five years.You see without JesusÂ' love my life was over. I was completely burned out, my life was hopeless, but Jesus had a plan for me. I believed in God enough to reach out and take hold of his Word. Now, you see I am restored to JesusÂ' perfect willand plans for my life. Regardless, of where you are and how you have failed in life, Jesus is here to help, but you must believe in Him. With Him all things are possible and He wants to fix your life better than youÂ've ever dreamed possible.The words found in this book are how I received them from the Bible the rules on how to engage SatanÂ's hosts of darkness and put them out of my life. Through application of these principles you will reign with Jesus completely in His Word.As you read these words and apply the principles found within, I guarantee that the Holy Spirit will do for you what it has done for me. Deliver, teach, and completely set you free forevermore. Loving Jesus with everything in your being is greater than anything you could face and nothing can take away your victory in Christ. For loving Jesus is the greatest adventure IÂ've ever found.A True Warrior for JesusÂ' Kingdom

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