"Before there was Eve there was Lilith. In his new play, LILITH, Allan Havis has placed Adam's legendary first wife at the center of a parable about marriage. Springing Lilith loose in our age, the play is as devious as it is diabolical.
This book reveals 23 Biblical evidences that prompted ancient rabbis to conclude the various elements of Lilith's legend.
Gathered from countless sources ranging from the ancient Middle East to twelfth-century Germany and later Eastern European oral tradition, these captivating stories include Jewish variants of the Pandora and Persephone myths. '[Schwartz] ...
In Lilith's Fire, Grenn-Scott examines why and how modern women are still demonized-identified as "bad" for actions perceived as reasonable for men, through techniques used for thousands of years-and how women have started to reverse this ...
In a facinating excursion though the history of her myth, Seigmund Hurwitz presents and interprets the ancient dark-winged goddess Lilth, aslo know as "the first Eve".
The text concludes with an exploration of Lilith in relationship. This book offers a unique and empowering look at a goddess we are taught to fear but need to learn to honor and respect within us.
"The book of Lilith tells the real story of creation.
This is a lyrical telling of that legend and what happens to Lilith as she encounters various demons outside the garden and hat she says and does to Adam and Eve once they too are thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
Lilith is the mythological seductress that has been repressed since Biblical times.