This title offers a comprehensive analysis of Baptist theology. Embracing in one common trajectory the major Baptist confessions of faith, the major Baptist theologians, and the principal Baptist theological movements and controversies, this book spans four centuries of Baptist doctrinal history. Acknowledging first the pre-1609 roots (patristic, medieval, and Reformational) of Baptist theology, it examines the Arminian versus Calvinist issues that were first expressed by the General Baptists and the Particular Baptists; that dominated English and American Baptist theology during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from Helwys and Smyth and from Bunyan and Kiffin to Gill, Fuller, Backus, and Boyce; and, that were quickened by the 'awakenings' and the missionary movement. Concurrently there were the Baptist defense of the Baptist distinctives vis-a-vis the pedobaptist world and the unfolding of a strong Baptist confessional tradition. Then during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the liberal versus evangelical issues became dominant with Hovey, Strong, Rauschenbusch, and Henry in the North and Mullins, Conner, Hobbs, and Criswell in the South even as a distinctive Baptist Landmarkism developed, the discipline of biblical theology was practiced and a structured ecumenism was pursued. Missiology both impacted Baptist theology and took it to all the continents, where it became increasingly indigenous. Conscious that Baptists belong to the free churches and to the believers' churches, a new generation of Baptist theologians at the advent of the twenty-first century appears somewhat more Calvinist than Arminian and decidedly more evangelical than liberal.
... and the Crisis of Moderate Southern Baptist Leadership William E. Ellis ... 12 November 1903; T. T. Timberlake to Mullins, 2 May 1905; L. G.Jordan to ...
A Saint in Shoe Leather: In Memory of Reverend Paul Fred Langston
33. William G. McLoughlin , ed . , Isaac Backus on Church , State , and Calvinism : Pamphlets , 1754–1789 ( Cambridge , Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 1968 ) , 342 , italics in original . 34. William G.
Ross, , 31m. Ross, Catherine, 73m. Ross, Francis, 269*. Ross, Thomas, 30. Ross's Mill, 167m. Rountree, Woodson, 250m. Rouse, Thomas, 29, 31m, 96, 96n, 101. Rowden Church, 195m. Rowell, Jacob, 78n. Rowell, Jeremiah, 62, 84m, 88m.
Image and Word: Reflections on the Stained Glass in the Paul W. Powell Chapel : Sermons by the Faculty of...
Vavasor Powell (161 7-1 670), at whose trial for opposition to Cromwell Trapnel went into her trance, had been a clergyman of the Established church in Wales before adopting Baptist views and identifying with the Fifth Monarchists.
This book was written by Michael D. Miller, director of Life Way's Church Leadership Division. Paige Patterson, at the time, president of both the Southern Baptist Convention and of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, ...
More than that , as J. F. Glaser writes , ' Liberalism in the 1890s appeared to many working - class voters as a Crotchet ... political strength , but split those MPs among the different parties and 100 101 Salter , op.cit . , p .
Foreign Mission Board / International Mission Board Career missionary R. Keith Parks was elected Foreign Mission Board president in 1980. He would serve the FMB a total of 38 years . During his 13 years as FMB president , the Board ...
This is a biographical study which surveys the life and career of Boston Baptist Adoniram Judson Gordon (1836-1895) and examines pre-millennialism as his motivation and source of his theological understanding.