Surveys the parks, campgrounds, inns, motels, restaurants, stores, sports, cultural activities, special events, and historic villages in Vermont.
... 90 Bag Balm, 603, 605–6 Bailey's Mills Bed & Breakfast, 288–89 Baker Field, 107 Baker Memorial Library, 245 Bakersfield Country Club, 576 Bakers Pond, 319 Bald Mountain, 393, 633 Ball and Chain Cafe, 457 Ball Mountain Dam, 78, 81, ...
Whether you're interested in a serene retreat, an outdoor adventure, or local culture, the Explorer's Guide series is unparalleled in its tradition of giving travelers the tools and information they need to discover every corner of their ...
This guide is a journal to document your fascinating trips.IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BOOK IS A JOURNAL FOR YOU TO WRITE IN. Visit the graves of famous people who lived (and died) in the Green Mountains of Vermont See the wonderful ...
Theater Hopkins (410-516-5153; www, the Merrick Barn at Johns Hopkins University. An ever-changing and entertaining schedule of major American, British, and Irish plays is presented in the 1804 brick barn.
From the Connecticut River valley to the shores of Lake Champlain to the peaks of the Green Mountains this guide goes beyond Ben & Jerry's and the popular tourist destinations...
Guide to Vermont's swimming holes
"Erratic Wandering.
L. BISHOP CAMPBELL MONUMENT (1997). Here, the likeness of the beloved son of Darlene Fontaine Campbell and Thomas Bishop is beautifully captured in Barre grey granite in ROBERT portraitform.Theinnocence and vitality of youth comes ...
This definitive guide to hiking in Vermont is completely revised and updated and includes six new hikes. In addition to covering the Green Mountains it includes 6 more new hikes ranging throughout the state.
This is the quintessential hiking guide to this undiscovered region, which ranges from the northern tip of the White Mountain National Forest up to the pristine lakes just south of the Canadian border.