Contains up-to-date information on travel in the state of Maine, with recommendations on lodging, restaurants, regional events, family activities, entertainment, and natural landmarks.
IN NORWICH King Arthur Flour Baker's Store (802-649-3361;, 135 US 5. Open daily 7:30–6. Home as well as prime outlet for the country's oldest family-owned flour company (since 1790), this store draws serious bakers ...
This is the quintessential hiking guide to this undiscovered region, which ranges from the northern tip of the White Mountain National Forest up to the pristine lakes just south of the Canadian border.
... 374 Dyer Library , 118 The Dyke in Fort Kent , 673 Dysart's , 616 89 Baker's Way , 233 Elaine's , 484 Elaine's Basket Cafe , 662 Elan Fine Arts , 318 El Camino , 187-88 Elderhostel , 26 Elderhostel programs , 444 Eldredge Bros.
Talk about a bucket list: here are natural wonders—the dazzling glowworm caves in New Zealand, or a baobob tree in South Africa that's so large it has a pub inside where 15 people can drink comfortably.
"Erratic Wandering.
It’s like cruising with a masthead lookout to point the way. • Text descriptions of area with piloting instructions • Labeled approach lines • Low-angled photos with key navigation aides labeled • Chart segments from high ...
Tired of the same old tourist traps?
An encyclopedia designed especially to meet the needs of elementary, junior high, and senior high school students.
New destinations and fun-filled adventures for individuals, couples or the entire family.
Author Patti Unvericht reveals the forgotten history of the Finger Lakes region.