Moreover, the links between capital flows and banking systems have been neglected. This book helps provide some insight into the challenges faced by empirical studies and the lessons of the recent crises.
First published in 1999, this volume investigates the causes and consequences of globalization of international financial markets, including all types of private sector capital for 121 countries over the period 1980-1990.
The crucial data needed to assess the U.S. position are unavailable. This volume explores significant shortcomings in U.S. data on international capital transactions and their implications for policymakers.
This paper, reviews evidence that challenges this conventional wisdom, though confirming that the degree of international financial integration is rising.
The book examines the rapid growth and dramatic changes in capital flows globally and to emerging markets.
Economic catching up of eastern Europe, European Monetary Union and problems of economic convergence are some of the issues discussed in this volume.
Even if canals were nearly as efficient as railroads , in the absence of railroads , there would still have been an at least equally great demand for capital to construct the necessary system of canals . Robert W. Fogel , Railroads and ...
Starting with an analysis of the regulatory problems at the international level, with only minimal powers entrusted to international organisations, this book develops various possibilities for reform.
This paper, reviews evidence that challenges this conventional wisdom, though confirming that the degree of international financial integration is rising.
International Capital Markets: Recent Developments and Short-term Prospects