Explores the plight of twenty-two endangered mammals, birds, and reptiles from all over the world, including the humpack whale, California condor, and okapi.
Presents information about endangered animals for each letter of the alphabet, from apes, through the Japanese crane, to zebras.
100 Endangered Species is a little book with a big ambition: to highlight 100 endangered species from around the world and the work being done to bring them back from the brink of extinction.
Illuminating text relays the story of each species, from how they live and why they are endangered to what is being done about it.
With over 100 fascinating animals from Addax to Zebra, this dictionary is the perfect quick reference guide to endangered animals from all over the world. 5-7 years."--Wheelers.co.nz.
Describes over 400 of the most interesting and exemplary cases of species endangerment including categories of threat, conservation efforts, involved organizations, and notable successes.
An interactive way to foster appreciation and understanding of our planet's endangered species Origami Endangered Animals Kit, from master origami artists Michael LaFosse and Richard Alexander, is designed to educate and entertain in equal ...
For general articles on mountain lions , see Kenneth R. Dixon , “ Mountain Lion , ” in J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhammer ... 1978 ) ; and S. P. Young and E. A. Goldman , The Puma , Mysterious American Cat ( Washington , D.C. , 1946 ) .
A timely call to arms for animal lovers young and old, this oversize nonfiction book discusses the reasons that so many species are in danger of dying out and what we can do to help them.
Presents unique case studies of 49 endangered species, which provide students with the conflicting issues surrounding conservation efforts.
Since the 1970s, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), by virtue of its regulatory impact, has been a frequent subject of policy analysis.