Felkner covers such key areas as enlisting and training teachers; selecting curriculum; finding and using places and spaces; barriers and opportunities; and locating and inviting students. An excellent resource list for future reference is included, as well as questions for discussion.
Basic Training, Plain Talk on the Key Truths of the Faith
This book is a spiritual biography that focuses primarily on the religious experiences of Charles Darwin's life. Its intent is to demonstrate how Darwin's rejection of the Bible led him...
A preliminary note of measurement and scales in the psychology of religion -- Scales of religious beliefs and practices -- Scales of religious attitudes -- Scales of religious orientation --...
Philosophy & Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective
THE DAYS OF HEAVEN The days of heaven are peaceful days, Still as yon glassy sea; So calm, so still in God, our days, As the days of heaven would...
Although the first proper Notre Dame commencement - conferring degrees on two candidates - took place in 1849, General William Tecumseh Sherman was Notre Dame's first graduation speaker with a...
Catalogue of Books from Parochial Libraries in Shropshire
Human Rights and Human Wrongs shows you that it is our responsibility to demonstrate Christ's love through participation in social action. John Stott begins this discussion by documenting the evangelical...
新生命陪讀本 互動版,原名「簡易版」,內容含有許多問答討論,2020年6月起更名為「互動版」,僅書名更新,內容與「簡易版」無異,特此說明。適合每個人使用。新生命陪讀本幫助人認識三位一體的真神與教會生活的材料,建議以一對一或一對多的方式陪讀,透過禱告、討論問題來認識信仰並經歷神。是初信造就的好材料。另有閱讀版(原信息版),文字內容更為豐富。